Submit to FlyView Database
a) How to submit a picture
We offer a variety of possibilities to make your data available. You
can send images as
digital images (sent by e-mail, ftp [,
user: submit, password: flyview] or on diskette; JPEG-response preferred)
slides or film (these will be digitalized on a PhotoCD
and sent back on demand)
paper prints (these will be digitalized by color scanning)
figures in reprints (these will be digitalized by color
microscopic slides (these will be digitalized by a color-video-camera
on a microscope and sent back; please thoroughly mark specimen on the slide(s))
Every single picture must have an identity number which must be the same
as in the text description (see following section "Your record id").
b) How to submit the text description
Text descriptions and other characteristics of the stock will be submitted
with the
Add to FlyView form.
Explanations to some of the fields of the database:
"Your record id": This is one of the most important informations
for us. We use identical identities for bringing together picture and text.
"E-mail for orders": FlyView will include only those enhancer-trap
lines that are available for the community. If you plan to maintain the
stock for a limited time, please include the appropriate date in the "Comments
and remarks" field.
"Expression pattern": For searching in the FlyView database
it is necessary to have descriptions of images as text which can be reduced
to keywords of organs and cell types expressing the reporter gene product.
If the description of the line is already included in the FlyBase collection
type the "FlyBase allele id number : FBalxxxxxxx" into the "Comments
and remarks" field.
Note: There are some possibilities to reduce the time necessary
for submitting many (of course!) pictures:
After klicking the "Add to FlyView" button go back a page
in your browser, make appropriate changes and send again.
For submitting several images of the same line: after sending the first
complete form, for the next one(s) you are asked to fill out at least the
following fields: "Your record id", "Stock number",
"Developmental stage", and "Expression pattern".
Please send comments, suggestions or corrections to:
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